We do not guarantee a monetary return on gifted ownership stakes.
Our goal is to grow the brand as much as possible, with a long term goal of $20 million in brand value, translating to an estimated return of $2,000 per registered child. However the expectation should be that this project does not produce any monetary return.
Trust Fund for Shares: We aim to safeguard each child's shares in a trust until they reach the age of 18, at which point they gain full ownership. Confirmation of the details will be released at the final stage of registration.
Value of Shares and Withdrawal: We do not guarantee shares will appreciate in value, and we do not guarantee a monetary return on any shareholding. Shareholders will not be liable for any negative return or company loss.
Costs: Any costs in relation to shareholdings will be paid for by the company. Shareholders are not liable for any costs relating to the business.